How to configure Rclone with your Alldebrid webdav folder

If you want to use Rclone with your Alldebrid webdav folder and get the maximum performance out of it, you must setup Rclone accordingly.

The default value of Rclone is not optimal, you must use :
--dir-cache-time 10s --multi-thread-streams=0 --cutoff-mode=cautious --vfs-cache-mode minimal --network-mode --buffer-size=0

Here is the full procedure to mount your Alldebrid webdav folder via Rclone, with the correct options :

  • Install the official rclone software or any fork (for instance).

  • Configure Rclone by running the command "rclone config" (or "./rclone config", depending on your OS).

  • Create a new remote by typing "n" and name it (you can name it "alldebrid" for instance).

  • As your remote type, choose "42) WebDav".

  • As the server URL, enter =>

  • Then, choose the option "5) (other)".

  • Enter a new APIKEY as your username.

  • Choose the option "y) yes, enter in my own password", and enter the password "eeeee" (the password is irrelevant but you must fill something).

  • You can now mount your newly created remote by running the following command :

    rclone.exe mount alldebrid:links X: --dir-cache-time 10s --multi-thread-streams=0 --cutoff-mode=cautious --vfs-cache-mode minimal --network-mode --buffer-size=0 --read-only

    ATTENTION : make sure to replace "alldebrid" with your remote name if you set something else AND replace "X" with a drive letter of your choice (you can also replace "X:" with a destination folder).

You are now all set and ready to watch your content from the "links" folder.
Last updated on 7 juil. 2023